Just off the coast of Longka, cradled in the billows of the ocean, lies the hideous she-demon Pee Sua Samut.  She is the guardian of the island, appointed by Totsagan himself, and, on seeing Hanuman, her eyes smolders like coals and her great teeth clash.  She springs up into the air, swinging her club and roaring.

The little monkey sees that words will be useless.  Holding tightly onto his sword he enters her open mouth.  Like a bumblebee in a cauldron, he flies round inside her head, and then in a flash he is down in the demon's stomach.  A quick slash of his blade, and out he tumbles, none the worse for his adventure.  Pee Sua Samut, without even knowing what has happened, collapses lifeless into the reddening waters, food for the fishes.

Hanuman wipes his sword nonchalantly.  "So much for that," he says to himself, flying on.