Without delay two messengers fly to the heavenly court and after due scrutiny at the gate are admitted to the royal and divine presence.  Prostrating themselves before Phra Isuan, they tell him the whole story and beg him to rebuild Longka for their master.  Isuan dismisses them and discusses the matter with his closest advisers.  They point out to him that while Totsagan is by no means as close to the heavenly king as Phra Ram, it would not be wise to turn down his request out of hand.  In the first place, this might upset the balance of power between Phra Ram and Totsagan, with unforeseeable results.  And then, the demon king might well turn to other courts for aid and, having had his city rebuilt by them, never again pay to the heavenly court of Isuan the tribute that it should rightly receive.  The consequence is that Phra Isuan summons the messengers and tells them that he will undertake to provide the aid Totsagan has requested.

The two gods Phra In and Phra Witsanukam rebuild the demon city, and within a matter of days, so quickly and expertly do the two gods go about their task, Longka stands again even more splendid and beautiful than it was before the fire.