When this has been decided, the entire monkey army is paraded, with the generals in the forefront and the rank and file drawn up all round.  Before this host, Pipeck swears an oath of allegiance to Phra Ram, promising to serve him faithfully until Longka is defeated and Nang Seeda is recovered.

Following these ceremonies, Sukreep seeks out Pipeck and after an exchange of compliments tells him that they should be friends.

"We have a melancholy history in common," he explains.  "At one time, I had an enemy who did me wrong and tried to bring about my death.  This enemy was Palee, King of Keetkin, and he was my elder brother.  Your worst enemy is similarly your brother, Totsagan of Longka, who also seeks your life.  Thus our fates are similar.  Let us therefore swear to be friends for the. rest of our lives."

And so Pipeck, deprived of home, friends and family, forges new bonds of loyalty among strangers.