Early in the morning, when the sun is drawing up the mist from the battlefield, the demon army assembles before the walls of Longka.  Before his residence, the resplendently accoutered Intorachit climbs into his chariot, and one by one, in their proper order, the members of the princely family, his wife Suwanna Kanyuma, his children, his concubines, pay their respects.  His friends too, take their leave of him.  After a final embrace and a fond word with his wife and a last backward glance at the palace in which he has spent so many happy hours, Intorachit drives swiftly along the main avenue, between cheering citizens, and out of the great gate of Longka.

Beyond the walls Intorachit takes his place at the head of his troops.  After a few words of encouragement, he orders the advance.

The battle begins.